Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Sometimes, I do wonder whether the people in the digital industry really know what they’re talking about. Smug Generation Y managers, directors, and marketers from online savvy startup companies adorned in the trappings of expensive button down shirts, laidback jeans, leather shoes, over-confident smiles, and vigorous nods, all gathered at the hippest bars every Friday evening to discuss the latest happenings within the slick digital bubble about double digit growths, ROIs of cross media brand campaigns, the latest metrics and industry standards set by equivocal international bureaus to measure success. It’s a whole lot of mumbo jumbo creatively entangled within the webs of persuasion and white lies. But maybe that’s just me; maybe I am the one who doesn’t get it.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Go fly a kite lah. hehehe.